Jun 20 2018

Opinions: June 20, 2018

Gaza residents are repressed, but by Palestinian Authority that holds back funding I am told.

When Jordan controlled the Old City of Jerusalem, they didn’t repress Jews. They threw them out from Wailing Wall etc. That was from 1948-1967. Jews had been there 3,000 years. They had rights. They threw no Arabs out in 1967. In fact educated them and brought them into work force.

Outside 1948 Israel, in West Bank which was never a country Israel oversees for security reasons and its true but towns next to Arab towns? Border crossing may be inconvenient and lots of that have to do with Palestinian authority but nothing like Yemen, Syria, Libya etc.

By the way, Israelis are not allowed into most of the 22 Muslim countries, also inconvenient. And 700,000 Jews were tossed out of Egypt, Morocco, Syria, etc. in  1948 when the same number of Arabs moved next door from Israel to Jordan.