Jul 3 2018

Opinions: July 3, 2018

As a thoughtful person, I feel pounded from friends on Left when I say there is a limit on how many immigrants we can take in. I tried to defend Trump/Sessions separating kids and releasing in 14 days from parents arrested to come in without visa. Seeking refugee status as a way to dissuade.

I also am a very empathetic person. I can’t defend this.

I offer a practical thought. Although it’s not mentioned, NAFTA creating business in Mexico very likely reduced immigration to U.S. to a trickle. (NAFTA worked for Mexico. Also to US company building plants there. Also to US consumers. It hurt employees in US who lost jobs.)  Let’s expand NAFTA into Central America. Let’s work with Brazil, Argentina and Chile in that regard. I am sure Venezuela refugees will enter the mix to cross our borders.

We have taken in over 90% of refugees seeking Asylum. They are poor, desperate even if not threatened. There are limits. I’m sorry but there are 1.1 million legals who wait eight years. 200,000 or so work with visas – we need them. 20,000 refugees from South, Syria, Libya, how many can we take? What to do with them? Pay Mexico to resettle.

Europe has the same problem. It’s changed governments, been a cause of Brexit.

I have to agree with Trump if he will give amnesty to 2 million DACA, most illegals here and secure southern border to do so. Trump leaving Paris Treaty, leads other countries to look at us as leaders and do whatever they want with environment.

We need the EU. No wars for the first time in thousand years, He should push its value. Putin wants it weakened.

I can’t defend Trump beyond saying they need to pay more for their defense.