Jun 17 2020

Opinions: June 17, 2020

Thinking Friends
I think cities, buildings, statues are living history. Slave quarters stand to be seen in South Africa, Charleston. Attempts to rewrite histories’ negative aspects are wrong in my view.

Explain the statue. We learn from what was right and what was wrong.

But now it’s about destruction. This nihilism really comes from dissatisfaction with people’s own lives. This has nothing to do with the terrible police killing of George Floyd. Many if not most African American people and most White people are not part of this Talibanesque activity. People are destroying our beautiful country by tapping the existing anger. The anger will only dissipate when people think they have a fair chance. All families need to focus on business, science, medical educations if possible at good Charter Schools, trade schools and colleges. Be a great hands on Dad. Read Robert Woodson, Jesse Peterson, Tom Sowell, who I admire so much.

Peter Dwares