Jun 16 2020

Opinions: June 16, 2020

Thinking People

After the burning and looting of recent times, and 50/50 division in country, I started to think I miss the good old days of the 60’s.

Then I remember as a law student driving from Washington D.C. to Baltimore to get arrestees out out of prison, circa 1968 when D.C. was burning, ring of red around it as I drove. I remember the divisiveness over the war in Vietnam and the President.

I remember hatred of Johnson then Nixon even more than Trump today. “Hey, hey LBJ, how many kids did you kill today?” Not good old days in that respect.

I remember in 1969 being in charge of Air Force Police Barracks in San Antonio. I am still proud of it being friendly between races. I got along with all of them after the first day when I got a guy to drop a straight edge razor he threatened me with.

Today I fear the far left is far too violent. Beheading statues reminds me of beheading French aristocrats. I want all Americans to do well. Education and fatherhood. Lots of business and science oriented Charter Schools.

Peter Dwares