Oct 13 2020

Opinions: October 13, 2020

Sally C. Pipes
President, CEO, and Thomas W. Smith Fellow in Health Care Policy
Pacific Research Institute

Dear Sally,

You have been clear as to why Canadian Healthcare here is not desirable. Naïve people want “simple” and “free” answers. They don’t know it’s expensive and will cause scarcity.

The President should have had an articulated plan to put many Americans at ease. They fear bankruptcy. They fear having no insurance. They are not informed as to short term value plans.

The President should have succinct bullet points how you would deal with 3-5 million uninsured and those 2-5 million with pre-existing illness, if ACA is struck down which it will not be, in my view.

A plan leaving the remaining private sector (150 million people) intact. Medicare intact with age raising starting 2024.

Also he should explain tax deductible health saving accounts; it’s confusing for many.

I have to answer to people when arguing against government funded health. They don’t fear Canadian type. I cite Canadians coming here for procedure. They cite Denmark. Israel, Germany, large level of satisfaction. I counter with wait times, lack of doctors, no medicines being developed in most of the above.

I am copying this to my friend list. They should know you and PRI.
