Jun 5 2020

Opinions: June 5, 2020

What’s happening is tragic. Looting, destruction. People take advantage of one tragedy and multiply it 1,000 times. And kill innocent black and white police and others. No vigil for them.

Italians, Jews, Irish, Vietnamese Boat people come here with nothing.  They were very poor. Did not speak English. Life changed through education and hard work. Nothing was given to them.

Poor Blacks, Mixed race, poor Whites, other minorities can model after what those people did. Medical, food stamps, social programs, we did not have prior to 60’s. There is a safety net. At Pathways For Kids we introduce economically disadvantaged to businesses and their employees to see what they can aim at. Push, not get stuck in notion of victimization. Meet the challenge like President Obama, Shelby Steele, Thomas Sowell, Ben Carson, Randy Peterson and millions of others who are succeeding. We are all human beings.

Peter  Dwares

Founder, Pathways For Kids