Jun 14 2018

Opinions: June 14, 2018

I think Kim sees Donald Trump as a father figure, a kindred spirit.  Trump has ability and propensity to charm people. Unfortunately also to dump them when his ego is not stoked.  I’ve always had mixed feelings about him from his early days in New York.

Bluster, guts, taste in certain showy way he has. Judgment mesa mesa. I’m impressed with his energy. Getting tax through and cheerleader for our economy has definitely been a plus.

Diffusing for now North Korea bombing San Francisco etc., big plus. Long term debt not good. Upsetting German’s, Japanese, Canadians, Mexicans, not so good.  Running out moderates like Flake, Ryan, Corker, Gowdy, I don’t like.

As to the Democrats nationally, I find nothing in policy, and no one I am drawn to as future President.

Peter Dwares