Jul 6 2018

Opinions: July 6, 2018

I attended Aspen Ideas Conference.

Larry Summers, former Secretary of Treasury pointed out we are in 9th year of recovery, money too easy. Bubble maybe. Advocates public works. Infrastructure. He pointed out healthcare costs are close to 20% of GDP, i.e. $4 trillion.

We have allowed hospital mergers to raise costs.  I agree.

Teachers should be paid like Finland.

He says what China is stealing is not a threat. (I say elaborate.) Points out trade is 5% of our economy. Tariffs 20% of that. Total 1%. Not much impact.

Some drugs should come faster. Amazon will reduce drug costs.

Deferred maintenance roads, bridges etc  and unfunded pensions etc. big problems.

Larry did not say much good about today’s economy. He’s very partisan in my view.

Peter Dwares