Jan 25 2018

Opinions: January 25, 2018

I like much of what Trump has done. The robust employing economy but fear long term debt. The military. Syria. North Korea (he got them to talk). China.

I don’t like the following:

  • Using DACA people as bargaining chips for wall and reducing family migration and lottery.
  • I’m surrounded by Hispanics some illegal and can’t see rounding them up. Many had an implied contract in my view. Securing Southern border with part wall, I agree. Sell Mexican investors thirty year U.S. government backed bonds so he can argue he got them to pay.
  • Many illegals are overstayed visas, most from Asia. Stop it by using smart bracelets.
  • Retrain coal workers in solar, fracking. Don’t prolong buggy whips. It’s not clean. It’s dirty. I’m against offshore drilling on Pacific Coast and opening up public lands to miners who leave arsenic running the land and later go bankrupt. Save offshore for a rainy day.

Peter Dwares