Jan 12 2018

Catherine Deneuve’s position on “Me Too” Movement. My Opinion.

RE: Catherine Deneuve’s position on “Me Too” Movement. My Opinion.

Society needs to differentiate between rape, and men (or women) being pushy jerks, or obnoxious, or masturbating on the phone, or any of the levels between. This situation has become akin to the French Revolution, it’s been off with their heads, i.e. fire them, destroy their reputation and with it past good works of artistry (Charlie Rose comes to mind) and good deeds. Rape is a crime. It should be fully prosecuted. Obnoxious people I will instruct my daughter to avoid. If it’s a boss, if you have talent, there are other avenues.

Charlie Rose’s alleged actions are jerky, but he is still a marvelous interviewer and thinker. Franken‘s comedian act is being judged now. IF Weinstein is proven to have committed the crime of rape, he should be punished. O’Reilly’s unwanted telephone calls or masturbation were stupid, he is not a rapist from the facts. O’Reilly is guilty of some new yet to be determined crime of job for sex pressure. It’s up to the legislatures. He certainly has paid a price even if not a crime.

Peter Dwares