Mar 19 2018

On Gavin Newsom

I knew of Gavin as a boy in the 70’s when his Mom helped with Adopt A Special Kid nonprofit which I was a Director and Board Chair. She had little money. I met her former husband Bill then.  We went to Vegas to a heavyweight fight. He didn’t have much money but he had friends with money. Gavin grew up without wealth for sure.

I watched Gavin in the wine business. He was totally gracious, hard working. He delivered to my friend Norman Wechsler, former Department Store CEO  and Norman really liked him. Gavin rolled up his sleeves.

I hosted a fundraiser at my Telegraph Hill house for him when he first ran. He was gifted in his speaking to people. Smart.

I’ve talked to him over the years.

I like him. I always liked him. He had guts to act his convictions on gay marriages. He built with his sister (yes with outside capital), a very successful business. He’s a nice, compassionate but pragmatic (young to me) man. Mistakes, who hasn’t made them? But he apologized, did what he could.  He still is humble, decent, smart and now very experienced.

He loves governing. He could have made a lot more money in the private sector.

I’m a Right of Center Independent Blue Dog Dem or McCain/Romney Republican. I still support Gavin for Governor of California.

Peter Dwares